Best Unlisted Company

Best Unlisted Company

The unlisted companies are one-third the size of BS 1000 and unlisted companies are much smaller. Bunge India is one of the top unlisted companies which are one seventh of the size of the top BS 1000 company, Indian Oil, in terms of revenues.Government companies focused on domestic market sheltering them from global macroeconomic headwinds unlike BS 1000 companies. Giving equity opportunity to investors such as Allana,  Frigorifco, Samsung India, Coca-Cola India, International Tractors, Intex and Serum Institute deserve a place in most equity portfolios. 
Most unlisted companies are either global multinationals or government-owned enterprises. It involves various subsidiaries like:-

1. Bunge
Bunge Limited is a food company which also deals in grain trading, and fertiliser. Basically it is an American company.
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2. Vodafone
It is one of the most leading telecommunication company in the world. Basically It is a British multinational telecommunications.
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3. Samsung
It is one of the most leading telecommunication company in the world. Basically It is a South Korean multinational multinational telecommunications.
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4. IBM
It is American multinational technology  company in the world. Basically It was established in 1924.
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5. Hyundai
The Hyundai Motor is a multinational automotive manufacturer company which was in south korea. Basically it manufacturing of lifts, and tourism.
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6. Cognizant
Cognizant is a multinational company which provides IT services, with digital, technology, consulting, and operations services.
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7. Mondelez
It is an international food supply company all over the world. It’s business to  creating delicious chocolate, confectioneries, gum and candy products.
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8. Hewlett Packard
Basically,itis an American multinational information technology corporation which headquartered in Palo Alto, California.
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